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Address: Bulgaria, Varna, Sea garden
The Aquarium in Varna was built in 1912 on the initiative of King Ferdinand. The extremely original design of the façade combines bas-relief image of a huge sea shell with images of ther Black Sea species.
In the central hall of the Aquarium a view of a fascinating collection of freshwater and sea inhabitants, presented in their natural habitat, reveals to the visitors. In several adjacent halls there are exhibits that provide a concise picture of the Black Sea flora and fauna as well as of its specific features. Likewise, other halls provide information of the World Ocean features.
In the other two exhibit halls visitors can see preserved species from the World Ocean, and also trace fish migration and visually examine the food chain in marine waters, together with the structure and characteristics of the Black Sea.
The exhibit also presents numerous types of sea snail, shells, algae and microorganisms.
There is a library in the Varna Aquarium with more than 30,000 scientific and technical books, textbooks, periodicals in the fields of marine biology, hydrochemistry, oceanography, ichthyology, fisheries and fishing industry, aquaristics.

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